Thursday, June 6, 2013

Just a day

So we didn't do much today. We had to wait for the guy to come and hook up the dish box in our room. Dish is the kind of cable they have down here. No on demand.
My papa bear should have been home yesterday but something happened with his truck load and didn't get home till this afternoon. When he got home is had my new NO NO hair removal. Which had come in the mail. I can't wait to use it.
For dinner we went to a place called OUR BEST. Loved the fried green tomatoes and fried chicken..
When we asked if they could wrap up our dessert. They looked at us like we were crazy. The waitress said oh you mean you want it to go.
I swear sometimes we speak a different language now here.

1 comment:

  1. It's definitely like we are spaeking another language sometimes, drinking 'pop' and buying 'scratch offs'. but thats all part of why we love it so much here.
